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INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Avisory Group) is a network of international governmental and non-governmental organizations working in civil protection under the umbrella f the United Nations.

THW is acting as chair of the INSARAG Regional Group Africa-Europe together with the Tunesian ONPC (Office Nationale du Protection Civil). My part in this international network is assisting the chairman in all matters related to his work:

  • Keeping in touch with the other national focal points and UN-OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs).
  • Planning and organization of events such as awareness training, regional group annual meetings, USAR-exercises (Urban Search and Rescue).
  • Support for partner organizations in capacity building.
  • Public relations within the regional group by a monthly newsletter and within the THW.

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Olaf Joerdel, 2002-2006